Welcome Dr. Mukesh Singh Boori from Leicester University UK to be our committee member!
Welcome Dr. Mukesh Singh Boori from Leicester University UK to be our committee member!

Welcome Dr. Mukesh Singh Boori from Leicester University UK to be our committee member!

Mukesh Singh Boori is Senior Scientist in Samara University Russia and involved in remote sensing and GIS teaching and Russian academic excellence project. He has also held positions at University of Rennes2 France, University of Bonn Germany, Hokkaido University Japan, Palacky University Czech Republic, Ruhr University Bochum Germany, Leicester University UK, NOAA/NASA, American Sentinel University USA, JECRC University, JKLU University, MDS University and JSAC/ISRO India. He hold Postdoc from University of Maryland USA, PhD from Federal University – RN (UFRN) Brazil, Predoc from Katholiek University Leuven Belgium, MSc from MDS University and BSc from University of Rajasthan India. He received several distinguish awards including national academy of sciences (NAS) fellowship through national research council (NRC) central government of USA Washington DC, European union social fund, Honorary fellow University of Leicester UK, Prestigious Brazil-Italy government fellowship, Belgian and Indian government space fellowship. He published 100+ peer-reviewed papers including books as a first author in the field of earth and space science and his prime research interest is satellite earth observations through remote sensing & GIS technology. He is a member of many scientific societies / journals / committees, led a number of projects, organized a number of conferences, delivered conference opening ceremony speech, keynote speaker, plenary session talk, invited talk, chaired sessions and visited 22 countries as official trips.