Prof. Zhao Zhang
Prof. Zhao Zhang

Prof. Zhao Zhang


Prof. Zhao Zhang

IEEE Senior Member, Hefei University of Technology

Dr. Zhao Zhang is a Huangshan Scholar Distinguished Professor at the School of Computer Science and Information Engineering (School of Artificial Intelligence) , Hefei University of Technology (HFUT), Hefei, China. He received the PhD degree from the Department of Electronic Engineering (EE) at City University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Tommy W.S. Chow (IEEE Fellow), in 2013. During his PhD study, he visited the Learning & Vision Research Group at National University of Singapore, working with Prof. Shuicheng Yan (IEEE Fellow, Academician of Singapore National Academy of Engineering), from Feb to May 2012. He also visited the National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR) at Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), working with Prof. Cheng-Lin Liu (IEEE Fellow, Director of NLPR), from Sep to Dec 2012. 

His research interests include Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Computer Vision. He has authored/co-authored over 70 technical papers published at prestigious journals and conferences, including 32 IEEE/ACM Transactions regular papers (6 IEEE TIP, 6 IEEE TKDE, 10 IEEE TNNLS, 2 IEEE TCYB, IEEE TSP, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TMM, IEEE TBD, 2 IEEE TII, ACM TOMM and ACM TIST), 7 Pattern Recognition, 8 Neural Networks, 2 AAAI, 3 IJCAI, 2 ACM MM, 5 ICDM, 3 ECAI, SDM, ICASSP and ICMR, etc. He is serving as an Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and Elsevier Signal Processing, and is serving/served as a Managing Guest Editor (MGE) for Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Image and Vision Computing. Besides, he has been acting as a SPC member/Area Chair of IJCAI、SDM、ECAI、BMVC and PAKDD. He has hosted 3 NSFC projects, and Anhui Provincial Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He is now a Senior Member of the IEEE and CCF.